Logistics Transportation

Since entering the new century, the overall scale of China's logistics industry has grown rapidly, the service level has improved significantly, and the environment and conditions for development have been constantly improved, laying a solid foundation for further accelerated development.

1. Rapid growth of logistics industry. In 2008, China's total social logistics volume reached 89.9 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.2 times over 2000, or an average annual growth of 23 percent. The added value of the logistics industry reached 2.0 trillion yuan, 1.9 times that of 2000, with an average annual growth of 14 percent. In 2008, the added value of logistics accounted for 16.5% of the total added value of services and 6.6% of GDP.

2. The development level of logistics industry has improved significantly. Some manufacturing enterprises and commercial enterprises began to adopt modern logistics management concepts, methods and technologies to implement process reengineering and service outsourcing. Traditional transport, storage and freight forwarding enterprises should integrate their functions and extend their services to accelerate their transformation into modern logistics enterprises. A number of new logistics enterprises have grown rapidly, forming a group of logistics enterprises with multiple ownership, multiple service modes and multiple levels. The ratio of total logistics cost to GDP in the whole society dropped from 19.4% in 2000 to 18.3% in 2008. Logistics cost showed a downward trend, which promoted the improvement of the quality of economic operation.

3. Logistics infrastructure conditions are gradually improved. The rapid expansion of transportation facilities provides good facilities for the development of logistics industry. By the end of 2008, China had 80,000 kilometers of railways in operation, 60,300 kilometers of expressways, 36,400 port berths, including 1,167 coastal berths of 10,000-ton class or above, and 160 civil airports. The construction of logistics parks has started, the modernization level of storage and distribution facilities has been constantly improved, and a number of regional logistics centers are taking shape.

4, logistics industry development environment improved significantly. The outline of China's 11th Five-Year Plan clearly puts forward "vigorously developing modern logistics industry", the central and local governments have successively established a comprehensive coordination mechanism to promote the development of modern logistics industry, and issued plans and policies to support the development of modern logistics industry.

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