Anti-counterfeiting function on steel cable seal

Industry News, 10-22-2021

As a frequently used lead seal product, wire seal is often used in goods transportation, equipment sealing and other environments. With the use of a wider range of ways, Huierdun cable seal also from the original number pattern, gradually increase more functions. For example, the use of bar code is applied to the shell surface of steel wire seal, and the addition of more information can also increase the occurrence of check code to imitate.

Steel wire seal and most lead seal products, can be customized to their desired appearance. In as many as dozens of different appearance of steel wire seal, select a style, on the basis of the original shape of a small range of additions and modifications. Increased the difference with other styles, but also increased the difficulty of imitation. This is one of the anti-counterfeiting functions of the lead seal.

The anti-counterfeiting function of steel wire seal on the shell basically depends on the four ways of LOGO, number, bar code and TWO-DIMENSIONAL code. Why should LOGO and number also have anti-counterfeiting function? This is because LOGO and number in laser engraving usually need to adjust the position and laser degree, equivalent to a whole batch of product customization. Laser engraving position and laser temperature is the same, if imitation will appear incompatible, can be identified at a glance.


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