What is the security seal?

Company News, 12-22-2022

In the industry, the term "security seal" is a broad description of a large class of tamper resistant security devices. Some of the most famous safety seals appear on condiment cans, medicine bottles and other consumer goods. These seals are usually in the form of aluminum foil wrapping paper or glands. Other security seals are much more complex, often involving thermal printing, laser engraving, and sealing of large transport crates and valuable or sensitive goods. During transportation, you can stick security seals on your luggage to keep it closed. Regardless of the appearance, the security seal is designed for one purpose: content restriction. The manufacturer shall always use seals to keep the contents of the package isolated. The reasoning and method of sealing technology may vary according to different interests.

Metal tags and bundles are often used to seal shipping containers. In food, safety seals are usually used to prevent tampering. This seal is usually in the form of a tight fit insert that is directly under the container lid. The vacuum sealed cover will pop out as soon as it is opened, which is the same technical form. The purpose here is to prevent people from changing the content of the product, deleting any part of the product, or adding anything to the container. Safety seals are also used in many other occasions. In land transportation, security seals are usually used to prevent the box from being opened before it arrives at the destination. The plastic zipper used to fix the trunk and zipper bag also plays the same role. Other seals are used to hold the material together. Shrink wrap is usually used to transport pallets to prevent stolen goods and content from being transferred during transport. Elastic packaging and plastic strapping are also commonly used to seal and secure multiple packages. At the most basic level, locks or latches are also a kind of security seals, because they protect the contents from external influences. Experienced criminals often have ways to circumvent these protections, however, serious shippers often invest in special locking tools or find more specific locking measures. Metal tags and bundles are often used to seal containers or cargo crates. This security seal is usually engraved or printed with a specific serial number. If damaged, these serial numbers are not easy to copy or replace. Truck drivers, ship operators, and train freight operators can also use these numbers to track cargo. Boxes and containers can usually be sealed with lead or wire, and it is almost impossible for people to enter early. This seal is particularly suitable for sensitive scientific materials, including bacterial strains and other hazardous chemicals. Bottle caps and metal seals can usually be engraved with serial numbers for easy tracking, just like metal labels and cargo seals. Confidential documents can also be repaired with security seals. Security labels are usually customized on high viscosity paper and are not easy to find. The most sensitive documents usually need a hot stamp. If tampered with, many seals will change color. For large debris crates, the security seal can be complex.


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Key Word: Ear Tag Bolt Seal Plastic Seal Cable Seal Meter Seal Plastic Padlock Metal Strap Seal